Easy Revision Junior Cert Science

Studying Junior Certificate Science?

Do you want to climb to the top of the class?

Do you want to turn your C grade into an A grade?

• Try a unique new method of revising the Leavnig Cert Biology syllabus    in an easy and interactive way.
• Revise anywhere, anytime!

• Every question is written by an experienced teacher and is accompanied    by specifically selected imagery and comprehensive explanations.
• Try the complete Biology section of the app today for FREE and see for    yourself.

Hundreds of interactive questions covering key aspects of the Junior Certificate Science syllabus. Revise important parts of the course in an enjoyable and memorable way.

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  • Mock Slide
  • Mock Slide
  • Mock Slide
  • Mock Slide
  • Mock Slide

What does it do?

  • Get immediate feedback and watch your progress improve. Your grade and percentage is displayed following every attempt.

  • Coverage of the key points from the Junior Certificate Science marking scheme that the examiners want you to produce on exam day.

  • If you answer a question incorrectly we give you a comprehensive explanation that will set you back on the right track.


How do I get it?

Easy Revision Junior Cert Science App is FREE from the AppStore for iPhone.


Other apps?

This app was designed for use with the Junior Cert Science syllabus. The is also a Leaving Cerificate Biology App - get it - here. There will be more apps coming soon designed to work with other subjects.